Nine principles for the governance and delivery of SNAP have been identified. These are based on important learning from SNAP 1 and the SNAP 2 development process.
The nine Governance Principles are:
- SNAP should be a collaboration between government, other duty bearers, civil society, and people with lived experience of human rights issues.
- The Scottish Government should play a leadership role in SNAP as the key organisation with human rights obligations in Scotland, and this leadership should be enabling and empowering, rather than top-down and directive.
- People with lived experience must be given real decision-making and governance power on an equal footing with other people – power imbalances between people with lived experience and paid professionals should be actively acknowledged and addressed.
- People with lived experience should have their time and expertise recognised, acknowledged and valued, including through appropriate financial compensation.
- Civil society organisations should have their time and expertise recognised, acknowledged and valued through appropriate financial compensation.
- Rights holders should be meaningfully involved throughout the design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of SNAP actions, and in SNAP governance structures.
- Governance and delivery structures should be as simple and streamlined as possible, and they should have clearly articulated roles and responsibilities for everyone to see.
- SNAP should be accessible, visible and accountable to people across Scotland through proactive and inclusive communications and appropriate reporting. This could include a formal accountability relationship with the Scottish Parliament.
- Dedicated, independent secretariat support is needed to ensure the effective governance and delivery of SNAP, including support for rights holders’ participation and administration of events and meetings.
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