Justice and Safety

The aims of SNAP 1’s work in this area were to enhance respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights to achieve justice and safety for all by:

  • Improving access to justice, particularly for children, survivors of violence and abuse, people on low incomes and disabled people.
  • Addressing concerns about the asylum process and capitalising on opportunities in the new Refugee Integration Strategy.
  • Improving human rights protection within the criminal justice system particularly for children and when investigating and prosecuting sexual offences.
  • Improve detention conditions particularly when it comes to women offenders and people with mental health conditions.
  • Tackle the growing problem of hate crime, including improving reporting, recording and education to address underlying discriminatory attitudes.
  • Embed human rights in policing including through training and accountability e.g. stop and search.
  • Improve understanding of victims’ rights including the right to an effective remedy and ensuring justice for victims of historic child abuse.
  • Improve the protection of children from violence.
  • Improve Scotland’s approach to addressing Violence Against Women through a new strategy and action plan.

Action Group

The Justice and Safety Action Group was made up of 15 member organisations from across the justice sector and civil society.


The group built on work already done to create a human rights strategy towards tackling violence against women and reviewing Police Scotland’s human rights commitments. The group also held thematic meetings to explore specific priorities, including stop and search procedures, human trafficking, an Action Plan on Justice for Victims of Historic Child Abuse, hate crime, criminal justice reform, and access to justice.

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